Delete Driver Account

Download data

Request a copy of your Zoom Ride Driver Account data (which includes info like your ride history)

Delete account

Start the process of deleting your Zoom Ride Driver Account. This can take 24-48 hours. This is unreversible.
Lock image

Below are the steps to delete your driver account

Step 1: Enter phone number

Login to your account using your phone number.
Select Reason image

Step 2: Enter OTP

To verify your account and number, Enter the OTP sent to you.
Select Reason image

Step 3: Delete account button

Once you have logged into your account, press the Delete Account button on the left hand side.
Select Reason image

Step 4: Select Delete Reason

Choose a reason for deleting your driver Zoom Ride account.
Select Reason image

Step 5: Confirm Deletion

Type "DELETE" to confirm deletion of your driver Zoom Ride account.
Confirm Deletion image